Health & Environment — Hunters Point Family
“If we create opportunities for people here to eat nutritiously, then naturally people are going to be healthier
and in turn are going to live more fruitful lives.”
— Kenneth Hill, Environmental Program Director

The history of Hunters Point is one of environmental injustice; in just a few square miles, we live on land with more than 300 toxic designations and two closed superfund sites.

For too long, the ground in San Francisco’s sunny southeast district was not safe for food production. The neighborhood was overrun with liquor stores and limited food options: the definition of a food desert or “swamp.” We see a future where we can overcome the barriers of the past.

Like all Hunters Point Family projects, our environmental programs use the intelligence and ingenuity of the people of Bayview Hunters Point to change the story and build a healthy future for our community. We’re committed to making our home a safe and healthy place to thrive by creating improvements on our land and food that nourishes our bodies.



Transition-aged youth (16–24) in our programs step into leadership and educator roles as they spread knowledge about healthy living. These young people lead workshops at after school programs and elderly residential sites, sharing healthy nutritional choices and basic cooking skills with their community. Our program is 20 sites strong, at schools, rec centers and housing sites, both in and out of the Bayview Hunters Point neighborhood.


Students aged 11–14 can participate in the Ujamaa Program. Ujamaa participants meet weekly with a mentor for a paid internship to develop urban farming skills at the Double Rock or Adam Rogers garden. Ujamaa is only open to young people who participate in other HPF programs and remain in good standing, by staying on top of their work or studies, as well as show respect in the community. Funding from the San Francisco Department of Children, Youth and their Families supports this project.

Environmental technician training (An Environmental Protection Agency program)

Our EPA Program is a 12-week hybrid training for a career in the environmental field. Participants earn EPA certifications in Lead Abatement, Asbestos Abatement, Mold Awareness, and more. After graduation, participants find jobs as Lead Paint & Asbestos Inspectors, Hazmat Technicians, and Construction workers.